Interface is a very popular way to expose our APIs. Until Java 7 it was getting used as a contract (abstract method) where a child class was obliged to implement the contract; but after Java 8, Interface got more power — to where we can have static and default methods.

In Java 9, Interface is getting more power, to the point where we can define private methods as well. Let us understand why we need private methods in Interfaces.

Suppose we are defining a ReportGenerator Interface in Java8 as below:

package id.rezhajulio.test.interfacejava8;

public interface ReportGeneratorJava8 {


     * Need to get implemented as per ReportGenerator class

     * @param reportData

     * @param schema


    void generateReport(String reportData, String schema);


     * Get the ready data

     * @param reportSource

     * @return

     * @throws Exception


    default String getReportData(String reportSource) throws Exception {

        String reportData = null;

        if (null == reportSource) {

            throw new Exception("reportSource can't be null....");


        if (reportSource.equalsIgnoreCase("DB")) {

            System.out.println("Reading the data from DB ....");

            //logic to get the data from DB

            reportData = "data from DB";

        } else if (reportSource.equalsIgnoreCase("File")) {

            System.out.println("Reading the data from FileSystem ....");

            //logic to get the data from File

            reportData = "data from File";

        } else if (reportSource.equalsIgnoreCase("Cache")) {

            System.out.println("Reading the data from Cache ....");

            //logic to get the data from Cache

            reportData = "data from Cache";


        System.out.println("Formatting the data to create a common standard");

        /** Format the data and then return **/

        //logic to format the data

        return reportData;



And the implementation class could be HtmlReportGeneratorJava8:

package id.rezhajulio.test.interfacejava8;

public class HtmlReportGeneratorJava8 implements ReportGeneratorJava8 {


    public void generateReport(String reportData, String schema) {

        //HTML Specific Implementation according to given schema



Method ‘getReportData’ looks pretty messy, as there is a lot of logic that could be kept in a separate method and that can be called in ‘getReportData’. To achieve that, we need a private method, as we don’t want to expose these methods to outside the world.

Another thing, ReportGeneratorJava8 interface is formatting the data after getting it from the source. So we can have a common method named ‘formatData’ defined as private in the interface. So the interface could be rewritten as below:

package id.rezhajulio.test.interfacejava9;

public interface ReportGeneratorJava9 {


     * Need to get implemented as per ReportGenerator class

     * @param reportData

     * @param schema


    void generateReport(String reportData, String schema);


     * Reading the report data from DB

     * @return


    private String getReportDataFromDB() {

        System.out.println("Reading the data from DB ....");

        //logic to get the data from DB

        String reportData = "data from DB";

        return formatData(reportData);



     * Reading the report data from FileSystem

     * @return


    private String getReportDataFromFile() {

        System.out.println("Reading the data from FileSystem ....");

        //logic to get the data from File

        String reportData = "data from File";

        return formatData(reportData);



     * Reading the report data from cache

     * @return


    private String getReportDataFromCache() {

        System.out.println("Reading the data from Cache ....");

        //logic to get the data from Cache

        String reportData = "data from Cache";

        return formatData(reportData);



     * Formatting the data to create a common standardized data,

     * as it's coming from different systems

     * @param reportData

     * @return


    private String formatData(String reportData) {

        System.out.println("Formatting the data to create a common standard");

        /** Format the data and then return **/

        //logic to format the data

        return reportData;



     * Get the ready data

     * @param reportSource

     * @return

     * @throws Exception


    default String getReportData(String reportSource) throws Exception {

        String reportData = null;

        if (null == reportSource) {

            throw new Exception("reportSource can't be null....");


        if (reportSource.equalsIgnoreCase("DB")) {

            reportData = getReportDataFromDB();

        } else if (reportSource.equalsIgnoreCase("File")) {

            reportData = getReportDataFromFile();

        } else if (reportSource.equalsIgnoreCase("Cache")) {

            reportData = getReportDataFromCache();


        return reportData;



Now the above implementation looks pretty clean, and we’ve seen the need of private methods in Interface. Summary of Interface Enhancements

  • Constants (until Java 1.7)

  • Method signatures (until Java 1.7)

  • Nested types (until Java 1.7)

  • Default methods (since 1.8)

  • Static methods (since 1.8)

  • Private methods (since 1.9)

  • Private static methods (since 1.9)

Enjoy the power of Java 9’s Interface.