Unicode Character Database at Your Hand

Python’s self explanatory module called unicodedata provides the user with access to the Unicode Character Database and implicitly every character’s properties. Lookup a character by name with lookup: >>> import unicodedata >>> unicodedata.lookup('RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET') ']' >>> three_wise_monkeys = ["SEE-NO-EVIL MONKEY", "HEAR-NO-EVIL MONKEY", "SPEAK-NO-EVIL MONKEY"] >>> ''.join(map(unicodedata.lookup, three_wise_monkeys)) '🙈🙉🙊' Get a character’s name with name: >>> unicodedata.name(u'~') 'TILDE' Get the category of a character: >>> unicodedata.category(u'X') 'Lu' # L = letter, u = uppercase Also, using the unicodedata Python module, it’s easy to normalize any unicode data strings (remove accents, etc):...

July 20, 2018 · 1 min · Rezha Julio

Is Schemaless Databases Really Exists?

There’s no such thing as a schemaless database. I know, lots of people want a schemaless database, and lots of companies are promoting their products as schemaless DBMSs. And schemaless DBMSs exist. But schemaless databases are mythical beasts because there is always a schema somewhere. Usually in multiple places, which I will later claim is what causes grief. There Is Always A Schema We should define “schema” first. It comes from Greek roots, meaning “form, figure” according to my dictionary....

January 16, 2017 · 5 min · Rezha Julio

Hal yang tidak kamu ketahui tentang mongodb

July 24, 2014 · 0 min · Rezha Julio